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How To Get On A Horse Without A Mounting Block

How To Get On A Horse Without A Mounting Block

Mounting a horse without a mounting block can be a challenging task, especially for riders with limited mobility or shorter stature. However, with the right technique and practice, it is possible to mount a horse safely and efficiently without the aid of a mounting block. In this article, we will explore various methods and tips to help you get on a horse without a mounting block.

1. Assess the Horse and Environment

Before attempting to mount a horse without a mounting block, it is crucial to assess the horse and the environment to ensure safety. Here are some key considerations:

  • Check the horse’s temperament and ensure it is calm and well-behaved.
  • Ensure the ground is level and free from any obstacles or hazards.
  • Make sure there is enough space around the horse to move freely.

2. Use a Stirrup

Using a stirrup can provide additional support and stability when mounting a horse without a mounting block. Follow these steps:

  1. Hold the reins in one hand and the stirrup in the other.
  2. Place your foot in the stirrup and use it as a step to lift yourself up.
  3. Swing your other leg over the horse’s back and gently lower yourself into the saddle.

Using a stirrup can be particularly helpful for riders with limited mobility or strength.

3. Utilize a Fence or Wall

If available, a fence or wall can serve as a useful aid when mounting a horse without a mounting block. Here’s how:

  1. Position the horse parallel to the fence or wall.
  2. Place one hand on the fence or wall for support.
  3. Step onto the fence or wall with one foot and use it as a platform to lift yourself onto the horse.
  4. Swing your other leg over the horse’s back and gently lower yourself into the saddle.

Using a fence or wall can provide stability and make mounting easier, especially for riders who struggle with balance.

4. Ask for Assistance

If you are still having difficulty mounting a horse without a mounting block, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Having someone hold the horse steady or provide a boost can make the process safer and more manageable.

5. Practice Mounting from the Ground

Regular practice is essential to improve your ability to mount a horse without a mounting block. Set aside dedicated time to practice mounting from the ground using different techniques. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Is it safe to mount a horse without a mounting block?

A1: Yes, it is safe to mount a horse without a mounting block if you follow proper technique and take necessary precautions. Assessing the horse and environment, using a stirrup or a fence for support, and practicing regularly can help ensure safety.

Q2: Can anyone mount a horse without a mounting block?

A2: Mounting a horse without a mounting block can be more challenging for riders with limited mobility or shorter stature. However, with practice and the right technique, most riders can learn to mount a horse without a mounting block.

Q3: Are there any risks involved in mounting without a mounting block?

A3: Mounting without a mounting block can pose some risks, such as losing balance and falling. It is important to assess the horse’s temperament, the ground conditions, and your own physical abilities before attempting to mount without a mounting block.

Q4: What if I can’t lift myself onto the horse?

A4: If you struggle with lifting yourself onto the horse, using a stirrup or asking for assistance can provide the necessary support. Alternatively, you can consider using a mounting block or other aids specifically designed to assist with mounting.

Q5: How can I improve my balance when mounting without a mounting block?

A5: Improving balance when mounting without a mounting block requires practice and strengthening core muscles. Engaging in exercises such as yoga or Pilates can help improve balance and stability.

Q6: Are there any alternative methods for mounting without a mounting block?

A6: Yes, there are alternative methods for mounting without a mounting block, such as using a step stool, a log, or a sturdy rock as a makeshift mounting block. These objects can provide additional height and stability when mounting a horse.


Mounting a horse without a mounting block may seem daunting at first, but with practice and the right techniques, it can be accomplished safely and efficiently. Assessing the horse and environment, using a stirrup or a fence for support, and practicing regularly are key steps to successfully mount a horse without a mounting block. Remember to prioritize safety and ask for assistance if needed. With determination and practice, you will soon master the art of mounting without a mounting block.