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Why Do You Mount A Horse On The Left Side

Why Do You Mount A Horse On The Left Side?

Mounting a horse is a fundamental skill for any equestrian enthusiast. However, have you ever wondered why riders traditionally mount their horses from the left side? This seemingly simple action has a rich history and practical reasons behind it. In this article, we will explore the origins of mounting a horse on the left side and the various factors that contribute to this tradition.

The Historical Context

The tradition of mounting a horse from the left side dates back centuries and can be traced to the days of knights and warriors. In medieval times, knights wore their swords on their left side, making it more convenient to mount their horses from the left. By mounting from the left, they could easily draw their swords with their right hand, which was typically their dominant hand.

This practice continued even after the decline of knights and the rise of modern cavalry. Soldiers in the cavalry would mount their horses from the left side to maintain consistency and ensure a smooth transition when mounting in formation. This tradition eventually spread to civilian riders and has been passed down through generations.

Practical Reasons

While the historical context provides insight into the origins of mounting from the left side, there are also practical reasons that contribute to this tradition. Let’s explore some of these reasons:

1. Horse Training

Horses are typically trained to be mounted from the left side. Consistency is crucial in horse training, and by always mounting from the left, riders establish a routine that the horse becomes familiar with. This routine helps to reduce anxiety and create a sense of trust between the rider and the horse.

2. Horse Anatomy

The anatomy of a horse also plays a role in why mounting from the left side is preferred. The horse’s heart is located on the left side of its body, and mounting from the left allows the rider’s weight to be evenly distributed across the horse’s back. This distribution of weight minimizes the strain on the horse’s spine and ensures a more comfortable ride.

3. Safety and Control

Mounting from the left side provides riders with better control and visibility. Most riders are right-handed, and mounting from the left allows them to use their dominant hand to hold the reins while mounting. This ensures that the rider maintains control over the horse throughout the mounting process, reducing the risk of accidents or the horse getting spooked.


1. Can you mount a horse from the right side?

While it is possible to mount a horse from the right side, it is not the traditional or recommended method. Mounting from the right side can confuse the horse, as it is not accustomed to being mounted from that side. Additionally, mounting from the right side can put more strain on the horse’s spine, as the rider’s weight is not evenly distributed.

2. Are there any exceptions to mounting from the left side?

In certain situations, such as when a horse is injured or has a specific condition, mounting from the right side may be necessary. However, these cases are exceptions to the general rule and should be done under the guidance of a knowledgeable equestrian professional.

Mounting from the left side is primarily associated with riding horses. However, when it comes to activities such as driving a horse-drawn carriage, the tradition of mounting from the left side does not apply. In carriage driving, the driver typically mounts from the right side.

4. Are there any cultural variations in mounting a horse?

While mounting from the left side is the most common practice in many cultures, there are some exceptions. For example, in some European countries like Spain and Portugal, riders traditionally mount their horses from the right side. These cultural variations highlight the diverse equestrian traditions around the world.

5. Does the size or breed of the horse affect the mounting process?

The size or breed of the horse does not significantly impact the mounting process. Whether you are mounting a small pony or a large draft horse, the principles of mounting from the left side remain the same. However, it is essential to adjust your mounting technique based on the size and temperament of the horse to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

6. Can beginners mount a horse from the left side?

Yes, beginners can and should learn to mount a horse from the left side. Proper mounting technique is an essential skill for any rider, regardless of their experience level. By following the tradition of mounting from the left side, beginners can establish good habits from the start and ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience.


Mounting a horse from the left side is a tradition rooted in history and practicality. From the days of knights to modern equestrian practices, mounting from the left has become the norm for several reasons. It provides consistency in horse training, takes into account the horse’s anatomy, and offers better control and safety for riders. While there may be exceptions and cultural variations, the tradition of mounting from the left side remains prevalent in the equestrian world. So, the next time you mount a horse, remember the historical significance and practical benefits behind this age-old tradition.