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What Does It Mean When A Horse Licks Its Lips

What Does It Mean When A Horse Licks Its Lips

Observing a horse’s behavior can provide valuable insights into its emotions and well-being. One common behavior that horse owners and enthusiasts often notice is when a horse licks its lips. While it may seem like a simple action, there is more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we will explore the various reasons why horses lick their lips and what it signifies in different contexts.

The Natural Behavior of Horses

Before delving into the specific meaning behind a horse licking its lips, it is important to understand the natural behavior of horses. Horses are highly social animals that communicate through a combination of body language, vocalizations, and facial expressions. They have evolved to be sensitive to their environment and use various behaviors to convey their emotions and intentions.

Reasons Why Horses Lick Their Lips

There are several reasons why a horse may lick its lips, and it is crucial to consider the context and other accompanying behaviors to interpret its meaning accurately. Here are some common reasons why horses lick their lips:

  • Relaxation and Contentment: When a horse is in a relaxed and content state, it may lick its lips as a sign of satisfaction. This behavior is often observed after a horse has finished eating or during a grooming session.
  • Anticipation: Horses may lick their lips when they are anticipating something exciting or rewarding. For example, before being fed or when they see their favorite human approaching.
  • Submission: In a herd setting, a lower-ranking horse may lick its lips as a submissive gesture towards a dominant horse. It is a way of showing deference and avoiding conflict.
  • Anxiety or Nervousness: Horses may also lick their lips when they are feeling anxious or nervous. This behavior can be observed in stressful situations such as during veterinary procedures or when encountering a new and unfamiliar environment.
  • Discomfort or Pain: In some cases, a horse may lick its lips as a response to discomfort or pain. It could be a sign of dental issues, mouth ulcers, or other underlying health problems. It is essential to monitor the horse closely and consult a veterinarian if this behavior persists.
  • Communication: Horses use a variety of subtle signals to communicate with each other, and lip licking can be one of them. It can serve as a way to convey a message to other horses, such as a warning or a request for space.

Case Studies and Examples

To further illustrate the significance of a horse licking its lips, let’s explore a couple of case studies:

Case Study 1: Grooming Session

Emily, a horse owner, noticed that her horse, Bella, often licks her lips during grooming sessions. Bella would stand quietly, occasionally licking her lips while Emily brushed her coat and mane. This behavior indicated that Bella was relaxed and enjoying the grooming session. It served as a positive reinforcement for Emily, assuring her that Bella was content and comfortable.

Case Study 2: Veterinary Visit

During a routine dental examination, the veterinarian observed that the horse, Max, repeatedly licked his lips. This behavior, combined with other signs of anxiety such as sweating and restlessness, indicated that Max was feeling nervous and uncomfortable. The veterinarian adjusted their approach, providing Max with additional reassurance and taking breaks to alleviate his stress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some frequently asked questions related to a horse licking its lips:

1. Is it normal for a horse to lick its lips?

Yes, it is normal for a horse to lick its lips in various situations. However, it is essential to consider the context and accompanying behaviors to interpret its meaning accurately.

2. Should I be concerned if my horse frequently licks its lips?

If your horse frequently licks its lips without any apparent reason, it may be worth investigating further. Consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues or discomfort.

3. Can horses lick their lips as a sign of pain?

Yes, horses can lick their lips as a response to discomfort or pain. If you notice this behavior accompanied by other signs of distress, it is crucial to seek veterinary attention to address any potential health issues.

4. How can I differentiate between a relaxed lip licking and an anxious one?

Observing the overall body language of the horse is key to differentiating between a relaxed lip licking and an anxious one. A relaxed horse will exhibit other signs of contentment, such as a lowered head, soft eyes, and a relaxed posture. An anxious horse, on the other hand, may display signs of tension, restlessness, and elevated stress levels.

5. Can horses lick their lips as a sign of hunger?

While horses may lick their lips when they are anticipating food, it is not necessarily a sign of hunger. Horses have evolved to graze continuously, and their digestive system is designed to handle a constant intake of forage. Therefore, lip licking alone may not indicate hunger but rather an expectation of a reward or a routine feeding time.

6. Should I discourage my horse from licking its lips?

No, you should not discourage your horse from licking its lips, as it is a natural behavior that serves various purposes. Instead, focus on understanding the context and accompanying behaviors to interpret its meaning accurately and ensure your horse’s well-being.


When a horse licks its lips, it can convey a range of emotions and messages. Understanding the context and accompanying behaviors is crucial to interpreting its meaning accurately. Whether it signifies relaxation, anticipation, submission, anxiety, discomfort, or communication, lip licking is an essential part of a horse’s natural behavior. By observing and interpreting this behavior, horse owners and enthusiasts can gain valuable insights into their horse’s well-being and emotions.